Well Christmas is right around the corner and for many of us, it revolves around the tasks of shopping for that special gift. Shopping for family and friends, can really get expensive, however many times giving doesn’t require money. It can be as simple as making a phone call to our Mom or Dad or a friend, to just wish them a Merry Christmas and to say “ how are you”. Giving is really what Christmas is all about, and it is something that we can all do.
Recently, I hooked up with an old high school classmate, who is recently disabled and who uses a wheelchair full time. Prior to becoming disabled, Ed was a policeman, a building contractor and a private investigator. A man of many talents. Ed also has a love of animals and nature, and has chosen to use his Facebook and blog pages to advertise pet adoptions in this area. Ed will include photos of these animals on his postings, with a little description of each pet. Getting out the word is how Ed has managed to save many of these stray animals. Not only is Ed providing a great service to the local animal shelter, it is very satisfying for him knowing that he is contributing something back to society.
My other friend, Mike, who is not disabled, is always involved in some community activity. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, he organized our church in the delivery of turkey meals to over 170 local folks, replacing the Meals on Wheels that day. For years, he and his two boys would collect food donations to bring to the local shelter, and he has always taught his kids that it was better to give than to receive.
I once heard it said that the most precious thing that we possess is our time. Spending our time to comfort someone or just to talk with our friend, who may be down, is something that really costs us nothing, but can be so important to those who we comfort. Even not saying a word, at times, but just being there for that person, can mean so much to them, especially in their time of need.
For Christians, Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, someone who cares very much for others.
So, when you spend your Christmas this year, take time to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, and let them know that you are interested in how they are doing. You never know, you might stumble upon a new friend, someone who you would be glad to know, and who would be glad to know you.
Have a very Merry Christmas.