On August 11, 2020, Hurricane Isaias made landfall in New Jersey, causing about 3.7 million power outages across the state. Freedom Village West Windsor was one of those communities affected by this massive outage.
With tenants without power or air conditioning, the Project Freeeedom staff at West Windsor and Lawrenceville swung into action together to provide breakfast and hot coffee for the tenants.
Then the tenants of West Windsor also jumped into action to help each other. They donated thawing food to be grilled by other tenants to provide hot lunch and dinner for everyone.
Project Freedom staff was also able to set up a generator to allow tenants to charge electronics and medical equipment throughout the day.
Project Freedom extends immense gratitude to the staff and tenants who helped their community during this time.
With their help Freedom Village at West Windsor was able to turn a disaster into a community enrichment day.