Donors are an important part of Project Freedom success. Contributions received are 100% tax deductible as Project Freedom a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Funds contributed can be restricted to a specific program or task
Project Freedom uses these funds to support the social programs directly benefiting the tenants. These programs include the recreation programs, such as the horseback riding program, Club Freedom recreation trips, and shopping trips. Project Freedom provides transportation for many of these events with a lift-equipped bus and support staff. The cost of event tickets is subsidized so that all events are affordable to the tenants.
Wellness programs are also offered in conjunction with public and private agencies. Past programs supported with donations include health coaching and medical screenings, therapeutic massage, and healthy cooking classes. Emergency preparedness “Go Bags” for the tenants have also been supported through donations.
These programs enrich the lives of tenants who often are unable to participate or afford these kinds of recreational opportunities. Examples of past community events include the Lawrence Township Community Band and entertainment from local groups such as Retro Memories and Selah singers.